"معايير تصميم منصة تعليمية قائمة على تعدد أنماط واجهات التفاعل الذكية وتطبيقات التحليلاتية التعليمية لطلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم"

Document Type : Refereed research papers.



The current research sought to prepare a list of design standards for smart learning platforms based on multiple types of smart interaction interfaces and educational analytical applications, which are appropriate to the characteristics of educational technology students, as well as designing a proposed model for those standards. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach in presenting, studying and analyzing research. To extract the criteria, information was collected through a questionnaire to poll the opinions of a group of experts related to the subject of the research. The results of the research included: 160 indicators of design standards through which a model was developed for designing smart learning platforms. The study recommended relying on the design standards that were reached when designing learning platforms. Smart, and expanding their use in teaching and learning environments                                                                                         
